Celtiberia soriana
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El Castellar (San Felices)

El Castellar (San Felices)

Getting there

From the road from Soria, a km before reaching the village, must cross the river by a bridge and take the path leading to the summit where he set the old fort.


This site has already been picked up by Blas Taracena in its Charter Archeological Soria (1941).

Situation and location

It is located on top of an oval breakwater summit, separated from the people on the road.

Defensive System

This castle is quite invisible Celtiberian by structures built later, in late-Roman, medieval and modern beds. However there are two large concentrations of stones, for the remains of a wall that blocks access to the fort.

Contact and times

It is not signposted and access is free.


  • Taracena, B. (1941): Archaeological Charter Spain. Soria, Madrid.