There are references in the classic texts of the deficit of cereal, as Appian tells how the merchants sailed up the River Douro Duero carrying the wine and cereal. The alternative to these deficiencies facilitated subsistenciales the abundant forests of oak, with acorns contributing to food and feed, as well as other nuts such as walnuts. The analysis of the mills found in Numancia indicate a greater use for processing cereal acorns.
There are still modern references on the use of the fruit of the oak, in the early twentieth century, in addition to the diet, which contributed to its high nutritional value and, after grinding, was obtained a flour with which to pan and porridge, as with the cereal. The use of this fruit was still rife in the early twentieth century, and Schulten, who excavated the Roman camps around Numancia, between 1906 and 1912, tells us, referring to the people of Renieblas that "in many cases their regular food is acorn."